what does mardi gras translated to in english

Holiday on the day before Ash Midweek

Mardi Gras

Celebrations in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.

Also called Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Tuesday
Type Christian, Cultural
Significance Celebration period earlier fasting season of Lent
Celebrations Parades, parties
Date Day before Ash Wed, 47 days before Easter, 2 days afterwards Shrove Sunday
2021 appointment sixteen Feb
2022 date ane March
2023 appointment 21 Feb
2024 date thirteen February
Frequency Annual
Related to Shrove Tuesday, Funfair, Shrove Monday, Shrovetide, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Užgavėnės, Maslenitsa,

Mardi Gras () refers to events of the Carnival celebration, beginning on or afterward the Christian feasts of the Epiphany (Iii Kings Day) and culminating on the 24-hour interval before Ash Wed, which is known equally Shrove Tuesday. Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday", reflecting the practice of the last night of eating rich, fatty foods before the ritual Lenten sacrifices and fasting of the Lenten season.

Related popular practices are associated with Shrovetide celebrations before the fasting and religious obligations associated with the penitential season of Lent. In countries such equally the Uk, Mardi Gras is more than ordinarily known equally Pancake Mean solar day or (traditionally) Shrove Tuesday (derived from the discussion shrive, meaning "to administer the sacrament of confession to; to absolve").[1]


The festival season varies from metropolis to city, as some traditions, such equally the ane in New Orleans, Louisiana, consider Mardi Gras to stretch the entire menstruation from Twelfth Night (the last night of Christmas which begins Epiphany) to Ash Wednesday.[2] [three] Others treat the final three-day catamenia before Ash Wednesday as the Mardi Gras.[four] In Mobile, Alabama, Mardi Gras–associated social events begin in November, followed by mystic gild balls on Thanksgiving,[ii] [5] then New year'due south Eve, followed by parades and balls in January and February, celebrating up to midnight before Ash Wed. In before times, parades were held on New year's 24-hour interval.[two] Funfair is an important celebration in Anglican and Catholic European nations.[1]

Mardi Gras in Dakar, Senegal

Czech Commonwealth

In the Czechia, it is a folk tradition to celebrate Mardi Gras, which is chosen Masopust (meat-fast, i.eastward. beginning of the fast there). There are celebrations in many places including Prague,[six] but the tradition also prevails in villages such as Staré Hamry, whose door-to-door processions fabricated information technology to the UNESCO Earth Intangible Cultural Heritage List.[7]


The celebration on the same day in Federal republic of germany knows many unlike terms, such as Schmutziger Donnerstag or Fetter Donnerstag (Fat Thursday), Unsinniger Donnerstag, Weiberfastnacht, Greesentag and others, and are often only one role of the whole carnival events during ane or even two weeks before Ash Wednesday exist called Karneval, Fasching, or Fastnacht amidst others, depending on the region. In standard German, schmutzig means "dingy", but in the Alemannic dialects schmotzig means "lard" (Schmalz), or "fat";[8] "Greasy Thursday", as remaining winter stores of lard and butter used to exist consumed at that time, before the fasting began. Fastnacht means "Eve of the Fast", just all three terms encompass the whole funfair season. The traditional start of the carnival season is on 11 November at 11:11 am (11/xi eleven:11).


In Italy Mardi Gras is called Martedì Grasso (Fat Tuesday). It is the primary solar day of Carnival along with the Th earlier, chosen Giovedí Grasso (Fatty Th), which ratifies the start of the celebrations. The most famous Carnivals in northern Italia are in Venice, Viareggio and Ivrea, while in the southern office of Italia the Sardinian Sartiglia and the intriguing apotropaic masks, especially the mamuthones, issohadores, s'urtzu (and so on), are more than popular, belonging to a very ancient tradition. Ivrea has the characteristic "Boxing of Oranges" that finds its roots in medieval times. The Italian version of the festival is spelled Carnevale.[9]


In Sweden the celebration is called Fettisdagen, when fastlagsbulle is eaten, more commonly chosen Semla. The name comes from the words "fett" (fatty) and "tisdag" (Tuesday). Originally, this was the merely day i should eat fastlagsbullar.[10]

United states

While not observed nationally throughout the United States, a number of traditionally ethnic French cities and regions in the country have notable celebrations. Mardi Gras arrived in North America equally a French Catholic tradition with the Le Moyne brothers,[xi] Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville and Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville, in the late 17th century, when Male monarch Louis XIV sent the pair to defend French republic's claim on the territory of Louisiane, which included what are now the U.S. states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and part of eastern Texas.[11]

The expedition, led by Iberville, entered the oral cavity of the Mississippi River on the evening of 2 March 1699 (new style), Lundi Gras. They did not nevertheless know it was the river explored and claimed for France past René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle in 1683. The party proceeded upstream to a place on the east banking company about 60 miles (100 km) downriver from where New Orleans is today, and fabricated military camp. This was on 3 March 1699, Mardi Gras, and so in accolade of this holiday, Iberville named the spot Indicate du Mardi Gras (French: "Mardi Gras Point") and called the nearby tributary Bayou Mardi Gras.[12] Bienville went on to found the settlement of Mobile, Alabama in 1702 every bit the first capital of French Louisiana.[13] In 1703 French settlers in Mobile established the beginning organised Mardi Gras celebration tradition in what was to go the United States.[11] [fourteen] [15] [16] The kickoff breezy mystic club, or krewe, was formed in Mobile in 1711, the Boeuf Gras Society.[14] By 1720, Biloxi had been made uppercase of Louisiana. The French Mardi Gras customs had accompanied the colonists who settled in that location.[xi]

Knights of Revelry parade down Royal Street in Mobile during the 2010 Mardi Gras season.

In 1723, the capital of Louisiana was moved to New Orleans, founded in 1718.[xiii] The first Mardi Gras parade held in New Orleans is recorded to have taken identify in 1837. The tradition in New Orleans expanded to the bespeak that it became synonymous with the metropolis in popular perception, and embraced by residents of New Orleans beyond those of French or Catholic heritage. Mardi Gras celebrations are part of the basis of the slogan Laissez les bons temps rouler ("Let the good times curlicue").[11] [ failed verification ] On Mardi Gras 24-hour interval, the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the last parades of the season wrap up and the celebrations come to a shut with the Meeting of the Courts (known locally equally the Rex Ball). Other cities along the Gulf Declension with early French colonial heritage, from Pensacola, Florida; Galveston, Texas; to Lake Charles and Lafayette, Louisiana; and north to Natchez, Mississippi and Alexandria, Louisiana, have active Mardi Gras celebrations.

Galveston'southward first recorded Mardi Gras celebration, in 1867, included a masked ball at Turner Hall (Sealy at 21st St.) and a theatrical performance from Shakespeare'due south "King Henry 4" featuring Alvan Reed (a justice of the peace weighing in at 350 pounds!) as Falstaff. The first year that Mardi Gras was celebrated on a grand scale in Galveston was 1871 with the emergence of 2 rival Mardi Gras societies, or "Krewes" called the Knights of Momus (known merely by the initials "K.O.M.") and the Knights of Myth, both of which devised night parades, masked balls, exquisite costumes and elaborate invitations. The Knights of Momus, led by some prominent Galvestonians, decorated horse-drawn wagons for a torch lit night parade. Boasting such themes as "The Crusades," "Peter the Great," and "Ancient France," the procession through downtown Galveston culminated at Turner Hall with a presentation of tableaux and a one thousand gala.

In the rural Acadiana area, many Cajuns gloat with the Courir de Mardi Gras, a tradition that dates to medieval celebrations in France.[17]

St. Louis, Missouri, founded in 1764 by French fur traders, claims to host the second largest Mardi Gras celebration in the Us.[xviii] The commemoration is held in the historic French neighborhood, Soulard, and attracts hundreds of thousands of people from around the land.[xix] Although founded in the 1760s, the St. Louis Mardi Gras festivities but appointment to the 1980s.[20] The city's celebration begins with "12th nighttime," held on Epiphany, and ends on Fat Tuesday. The season is brindled with various parades celebrating the urban center'southward rich French Catholic heritage.[21]


Mardi Gras in New Orleans in 1937

Mardi Gras, as a celebration of life earlier the more-somber occasion of Ash Wednesday, nearly always involves the employ of masks and costumes by its participants, and the most popular celebratory colors are imperial, light-green, and gold. In New Orleans, for instance, these frequently have the shape of fairies, animals, people from myths, or various Medieval costumes[22] as well as clowns and Indians (Native Americans).[23] However, many costumes today are just elaborate creations of colored feathers and capes. Unlike Halloween costumery, Mardi Gras costumes are not usually associated with such things as zombies, mummies, bats, blood, and the like, though death may exist a theme in some. The Venice tradition has brought gilt masks into the usual circular of costumes.[24]

Exposure past women

A topless woman at a coffee house, Mardi Gras Twenty-four hours in New Orleans, 2009

Women exposing their breasts during Mardi Gras in New Orleans, U.s., has been documented since 1889, when the Times-Democrat decried the "caste of immodesty exhibited by almost all female person masqueraders seen on the streets." The practice was mostly limited to tourists in the upper Bourbon Street area.[25] [26] In the crowded streets of the French Quarter, generally avoided by locals on Mardi Gras Twenty-four hour period, flashers on balconies cause crowds to form on the streets.

In the last decades of the 20th century, the rise in producing commercial videotapes catering to voyeurs helped encourage a tradition of women baring their breasts in exchange for beads and trinkets. Social scientists studying "ritual disrobement" found, at Mardi Gras 1991, 1,200 instances of body-baring in exchange for beads or other favors.[26]

Encounter likewise

  • Carnaval de Ponce
  • Fatty Thursday, a similar traditional Christian feast associated with the commemoration of Funfair.
  • Maslenitsa
  • Shrove Tuesday
  • Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
  • Soulard
  • Tsiknopempti
  • Užgavėnės


  1. ^ a b Melitta Weiss Adamson, Francine Segan (2008). Entertaining from Ancient Rome to the Super Bowl. ABC-CLIO. ISBN9780313086892. In Anglican countries, Mardis Gras is known as Shrove Tuesday—from shrive meaning "confess"—or Pancake Mean solar day—later the breakfast nutrient that symbolizes one final hearty meal of eggs, butter, milk and sugar before the fast. On Ash Wed, the morning later on Mardi Gras, repentant Christians return to church to receive upon the forehead the sign of the cross in ashes.
  2. ^ a b c "Mardi Gras Terminology". Mobile Bay Convention & Visitors Bureau. Archived from the original on 9 Dec 2007. Retrieved 18 November 2007.
  3. ^ Wilds, John; Charles L. Dufour; Walter One thousand. Cowan (1996). Louisiana, Yesterday and Today: A Historical Guide to the State. Baton Rouge: LSU Printing. p. 157. ISBN978-0807118931 . Retrieved 11 Dec 2015.
  4. ^ Bratcher, Dennis (7 January 2010). "The Season of Lent". Christian Resource Institute . Retrieved 25 June 2016.
  5. ^ "Mobile Carnival Association, 1927", MardiGrasDigest.com, 2006, webpage: mardigrasdigest-Mobile "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 7 March 2006. Retrieved 12 March 2018. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  6. ^ "Mardi Gras in Bohemia-Prague". YouTube. Archived from the original on xi December 2021. Retrieved 18 Jan 2016.
  7. ^ "Staročeský masopust Hamry". Retrieved xvi December 2017.
  8. ^ "Woher lid der Schmutzige Donnerstag seinen Namen?". Regionalzeitung Rontaler AG (in High german). 17 February 2013. Retrieved 7 February 2015.
  9. ^ Killinger, Charles 50. (2005). Culture and Customs of Italy . Greenwood Publishing Grouping. p. 94. ISBN978-0313324895. mardi gras in italy.
  10. ^ "Swedish semla: more than than only a bun". Sweden.se. Archived from the original on June 6, 2011. Retrieved Feb 22, 2011.
  11. ^ a b c d e "New Orleans & Mardi Gras History Timeline " (event listing), Mardi Gras Digest, 2005, webpage: MG-fourth dimension Archived 24 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^ "9 Things You May Not Know About Mardi Gras". History.com . Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  13. ^ a b "Timeline 18th Century:" (events), Timelines of History, 2007, webpage: TLine-1700-1724: on "1702–1711" of Mobile.
  14. ^ a b "Funfair/Mobile Mardi Gras Timeline". Museum of Mobile. Museum of Mobile. Retrieved xviii July 2012.
  15. ^ "Mardi Gras in Mobile" (history), Jeff Sessions, Senator, Library of Congress, 2006, webpage: LibCongress-2665.
  16. ^ "Mardi Gras" (history), Mobile Bay Convention & Visitors Bureau, 2007, webpage: MGmobile.
  17. ^ Barry Jean Ancelet (1989). Capitaine, voyage ton flag : The Traditional Cajun Country Mardi Gras. Eye for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana. ISBN0-940984-46-6.
  18. ^ Geiling, Natasha. "Best Places to Celebrate Mardi Gras Exterior of New Orleans". Smithsonian . Retrieved 11 February 2018.
  19. ^ Houser, Dave G. "seven big Mardi Gras celebrations (not in New Orleans)". chicagotribune.com . Retrieved 11 February 2018.
  20. ^ "Mardi Gras in St. Louis' Soulard Neighborhood". allaboutmardigras.com . Retrieved 12 February 2018.
  21. ^ "twelfth Night | Soulard Mardi Gras 2018". stlmardigras.org. St. Louis, MO. Retrieved eleven February 2018.
  22. ^ Lisa Gabbert (1999). Mardi Gras: A City's Masked Parade. The Rosen Publishing Group. p. four. ISBN978-0-8239-5337-0.
  23. ^ A Mardi Gras Dictionary. Pelican Publishing. p. 6. ISBN978-i-4556-0836-2.
  24. ^ J.C. Brownish (2008). Carnival Masks of Venice: A Photographic Essay. AAPPL Artists & Photographers Press, Express. ISBN978-ane-904332-83-1.
  25. ^ Sparks, R. "American Sodom: New Orleans Faces Its Critics and an Uncertain Futurity". La Louisiane à la dérive. The École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Coloquio. 16 December 2005.
  26. ^ a b Shrum, West. and J. Kilburn. "Ritual Disrobement at Mardi Gras: Formalism Substitution and Moral Guild". Social Forces, Vol. 75, No. ii. (December. 1996), pp. 423–458.

External links

  • Traditional Cajun Mardi Gras Celebrations
  • Mardi Gras in Mobile, Encyclopedia of Alabama
  • Where to Gloat Mardi Gras Around the World – slideshow by The Guardian
  • Fashion plates featuring historic Mardi Gras costumes from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Libraries


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mardi_Gras

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